•  Single Question Reading - Birthday Discount - astrology.com.au-store
  • Single Question Reading - Birthday Discount - astrology.com.au-store

Single Question Reading - Birthday Discount



 BEFORE : $ 17.95 AUD  less 20% =     NOW $ 14.36 AUD  

Horary astrology is a system of divination using horoscopes prepared for the time of a question. If you would like a question answered please select here and we will contact you shortly.

Your question will be answered by a qualified practitiioner of astrology and  emailed  with an mp3 voice recording which will include 4 - 5 minutes in answereing your query. You will not be charged for the preparation time in answering your question.

This method of astrology is extrememly useful and accurate in providing immediate solutions to your problems.

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