Destiny and Decisions Forecast Report - Exclusive Visitors
$18.95 $21.95
There is an element of the future that you cannot change; this is your destiny. But you also have choices and options available to you but these are your decisions. Often those decisions are complex and not easy to resolve.
The job of astrology is to help you put all the pieces of the jigsaw together and put you a step ahead of what is likely to happen. In this way, you gain an unfair advantage in managing your affairs and moving your life in the way that is best going to support you and the people you love.
This Destiny and Decisions report suggests and advises you on how to best handle the astrological influences. It predicts where the planets are in the current time period, when they will be forming aspects to your natal planets, what influences these aspects bring, and how long they will last.
Click here to view a sample report - 3 months