Healing Special Package
$25.00 $31.00
Enjoy this special package for a very discounted price
Chakra Healing Report - This report is about how you can heal your mind and body by being aware of the latent energies in your aura and making the best, most spiritual use of them. Your aura is a field of energy that permeates and surrounds your physical body. It has seven special energy centers within it called chakras. Chakras are vortexes of energy, and they are the places in your aura where divine consciousness can come in and manifest in your physical body, especially if you are receptive to it and use your willpower to allow it to enter. Click here to view a sample report.
Flower Essences and Gemstones Report - report looks at your horoscope from a wholistic perspective and offers suggestions which may assist your transition, physically, mentally emotionally and spiritually. Different elixirs can remove blockages in the chakra's and other subtle nerve centres and pathways which can then result in freer communication and spiritual growth. Click here to view a sample report.
Major Life Themes Report - This report finds major themes in the birth chart and interprets them. Some psychologists refer to major themes in a person's life or different sides to our personalities as subpersonalities. Click here to view a sample report.
Your Relationship Potential -This report offers insight and information about an individual's Relationship Potential. It will help you to discover your relationship potential as well as revealing possible problems. In includes all aspects of relating including sexual and psychological that you bring in a relationship and what you seek in a partner. Note: this is an abbreviated version of the complete report of Psyche and Eros Report. Click here to view a sample report.